Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is placeholder text for previewing layouts. It is used on this website to stress-test its features in a sandbox environment.

Body text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit nisl ut ante porta, sed egestas eros rhoncus. Nunc semper tortor odio, sed porta ipsum tincidunt imperdiet. Praesent turpis ipsum, finibus eu porta sit amet, condimentum non elit. Maecenas fringilla scelerisque lacus, vel tempus odio aliquam sit amet. Nullam scelerisque facilisis dui, at maximus libero sodales vel. Cras cursus libero dolor, ac pharetra lectus blandit fermentum. Quisque arcu diam, mollis sed consequat at, lacinia at urna.

Nulla accumsan odio et arcu semper, in faucibus enim varius. Nullam mollis sapien dui, id eleifend dolor feugiat at. Integer pellentesque leo sit amet pretium dignissim. Nulla facilisis ultricies quam, ut ullamcorper elit laoreet vitae. Sed diam sem, lobortis in massa eu, mattis congue orci. Sed viverra ipsum ut mauris posuere, non tincidunt justo lobortis.

Donec ut quam sed ipsum condimentum efficitur. Nullam sit amet nunc sed ligula mollis pretium. Sed porttitor ullamcorper sagittis. Nunc ullamcorper gravida nunc at laoreet. Fusce sed nibh tortor. Suspendisse erat libero, finibus ut eros nec, auctor porttitor arcu. Etiam arcu sapien, iaculis non dolor at, blandit vestibulum nunc. Morbi rhoncus eros et risus fringilla, vel dignissim urna mattis. Vestibulum fringilla metus nec turpis tempus, sit amet interdum nulla imperdiet. Curabitur et congue tortor.

Ut a pharetra nibh, non aliquam nulla. Aliquam dapibus tempor ipsum, ultrices sagittis lorem volutpat non. Nulla facilisi. Donec vel iaculis risus, non consectetur arcu. Maecenas enim diam, placerat nec dui sed, convallis congue sem. Morbi vel elementum ex. Nullam porttitor libero at nunc sagittis malesuada. Donec pharetra augue vestibulum leo viverra ullamcorper non quis nibh. Suspendisse malesuada vehicula arcu, ut mollis turpis rutrum a.

Inline formatting

Text with italics

Text that is strong

Italic and strong

Italic, strong and strikethrough


Somesup text

Somesub text.

Inline code with multiple after each other

Use the <p> tag for regular paragraphs.

Keyboard Input blocks

Press Ctrl + Shift + R to refresh a page.

A footnote1

A double footnote1 2.

A horizontal rule:

Two horizontal rules:

External Link

Internal link

Internal code link

Internal bold link

Internal strikethrough link

Internalsup link

Internal Input link

Section link


A regular blockquote:

“Meditation is a useful tool – but we actually need to stop the people who are pouring itching powder on us.”

A blockquote with a code block inside:

sudo apt install discord

Nested blockquotes:

“Meditation is a useful tool – but we actually need to stop the people who are pouring itching powder on us.”

“Meditation is a useful tool – but we actually need to stop the people who are pouring itching powder on us.”

A triple nested blockquote:

“Meditation is a useful tool – but we actually need to stop the people who are pouring itching powder on us.”

A blockquote with a list inside:


A normal ordered list:

  1. Type i to go into insert mode.
  2. Write what you want to write.
  3. Press esc to return to normal mode.
  4. Enter the :wq command to write the file and exit.

A normal unordered list:

Regular list with other elements:

  1. with inline code
  2. and some code blocks:
    p {
        color: var(--color-foreground);
        background-color: var(--color-background);
  3. and a blockquote:

    “Here is an inspiring quote”

Heavy indented unordered list:

Heavy indented ordered list:

  1. level 1
    1. level 2
      1. level 3
      2. Level 3.2
        1. level 4

Code blocks


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt update a long line that wrappes around to the next line if it is even longer than this

Web development:

if (number === 1) {
    console.log("1 is neither prime nor composite number.");

// check if number is greater than 1
else if (number > 1) {

    // looping through 2 to number/2
    for (let i = 2; i <= number / 2; i++) {
        if (number % i == 0) {
            isPrime = false;

    if (isPrime) {
        console.log(`${number} is a prime number`);
    } else {
        console.log(`${number} is a not prime number`);
@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {
    :root {
        --color-foreground: #eee;
        --color-background: #000;
        --color-surface: #1f1e25;
<script lang="ts">
    export let title: string;
    export let description: string;

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="author" content="Thimo van Velzen">
    <meta name="keywords" content="website">
    <meta name="description" content={description}>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">


A small table:


A regular table:

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Here is some data for col 1Some more for col 2and col 3
Here is some data for col 1Some more for col 2and col 3
Here is some data for col 1Some more for col 2and col 3
Here is some data for col 1Some more for col 2and col 3

A table with inline code-blocks:

npm installInstalls dependencies
npm run devStarts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run previewPreview your build locally, before deploying
npm run buildBuild your production site to ./dist/
npm run astro ...Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --helpGet help using the Astro CLI

A big table:

This is a really long table with possible wraps to new line because the table heading is too bigThis is a really long table with possible wraps to new line because the table heading is too big
Lorem ipsumidem dito
More valuesThis is a really long table with possible wraps to new line because the table heading is too big

A table with formatting:


A table with sub and sup text:



  1. This is an example footnote. 2

  2. This is also an example footnote.