
A commit is a snapshot of a Git repository. Commits should be short, ideally representing an atomic change.

Commit message

A common convention for formatting commit messages is as follows:

<prefix>: <summary>


A commit message should start with a concise <summary> and can optionally include a more detailed [additional-explanation] after a blank line. Instead of focusing on what was done, it’s more useful to explain why the changes were made in the <summary>.

To categorize commits a <prefix> can be used. A good convention to use is conventional commits. The commitlint project expands on this and adds more categories. Use the following prefixes for commit message titles:

featNew functionality
fixReworking existing code to solve bugs
refactRefactoring code
docsAdding documentation
testAdding or fixing tests
bumpIncrementing version numbers of dependencies

It is important to not introduce to many prefix categories. This will defeat the purpose if categorizing commits.


Do not use emoji’s in commit messages like the gitmojiproject tries to achieve. Emojis do not provide any benefit to the commit message. There are still a lot of tools that lack proper emoji support. It is also way more difficult to filter or search commit messages when they use emojis for categorizing commits.

Undo commits

It might be desired sometimes to undo changes made by one or multiple commits. Prefer reverting over resetting commits to preserve the Git history.

See also