The Notes

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  1. Astro

    The web framework for content-driven websites

  2. Atomic

    The smallest basic block of matter

  3. Branch

    A distinct path of development within a Git repository

  4. Burning ISO

    Burning an ISO image to a USB device

  5. CIA triad

    A security model design to protect information

  6. Color scheme

    Managing color schemes on websites using HTML and CSS

  7. Commit

    A snapshot of the repository's currently staged changes

  8. Dotfiles

    The hidden configuration files in Linux

  9. Eduroam

    How to connect to eduroam inside Hogeschool Leiden

  10. Flatpak

    A utility for software deployment and package management for Linux.

  11. Footnote

    How to create footnotes in HTML

  12. Git identities

    Managing multiple Git identities

  13. Git Root

    alias for Git root path

  14. Git

    A popular distributed version control system

  15. Gitconfig

    Git's solution for storing user configuration

  16. GitHub profile README

    The GitHub profile README repository

  17. Helix

    A post-modern modal text editor

  18. Home directory

    A special directory on a file-system

  19. Keychain

    A practical manager for ssh-agent

  20. Lorem ipsum

    The sandbox page for

  21. Markdown

    The human-friendly markup language

  22. Network Manager

    Managing wireless internet connections on Linux

  23. NGINX

    A webserver solution for hosting websites

  24. Obsidian

    Personal knowledge base and note-taking software application

  25. Oh My Zsh

    A framework for managing Zsh configuration

  26. Paragraph width

    How long text paragraphs should be

  27. Plant

    The most atomic building block of a digital garden

  28. Primitives

    The basic concepts of math

  29. Rebase

    A linear strategy to merge Git branches

  30. Regular expression

    Searching text with match patterns

  31. Revert

    Undoing made changes stored in Git commits

  32. Semantic versioning

    How to version API's and public software

  33. shadcn

    Build your component library

  34. Squash

    Merging multiple commits

  35. SSH key

    Managing authentication with SSH keys

  36. ssh-keygen

    A command line tool for creating SSH keys

  37. Stow

    A symlink farm manager for managing dotfiles

  38. Submodule

    Git repostitories as a dependency

  39. Symbolic link

    A file that points to another resource

  40. tmux

    An open source terminal multiplexer

  41. TTY

    The default Linux terminal

  42. Vercel

    Build, scale, and secure a faster, personalized web.

  43. Wikilink

    A bidirectional link between two resources

  44. Worktree

    A Git feature for checking out branches without stashing or popping changes

  45. YAML front matter

    Metadata about Markdown files

  46. Zsh

    An extended Bourne shell with many improvements