
Obsidian is a note-taking program. Notes created in Obsidian use the Markdown format. The Obsidian way of note-taking stimulates to link notes together and keep notes atomic; a single topic/concept per note. The default way to link notes is using wikilinks. It is also possible to configure Obsidian to use regular Markdown links.

A project inside Obsidian is called a vault. A vault is just a directory inside a file system. Obsidian stores all its data in the hidden .obsidian/ directory inside the vault.

Obsidian has a graph view that shows all notes inside a vault and the connections between them. The graph view can be used to overview notes, and see the coherence of the notes in a single view. The graph view shows non-existing notes in a light-gray color.

The Obsidian community maintains a large collection of plugins that enhance Obsidian. This is done by introducing new syntax in the Markdown files. The downside of Obsidian plugins is that it defeats the portability aspect of Obsidian because the Markdown files become littered with unofficial Markdown that can’t be easily ported to other programs anymore.