
A wikilink is a bidirectional link from one article to another article. Obsidian and Wikipedia use wikilinks to link their resources to each other.

Link to an article

A wikilink is created by enclosing the name of an article by double square brackets:


Only the first character of the wikilink name is case-insensitive. This allows for proper capitalizing the first character of a sentence. It also allows to properly capitalize wikilinks when the link text represents something that should be capitalized by default.

Link to an article heading

To link to a heading in another article, append a # and the heading name to the article name:


The name of the heading is case-sensitive.

To link to a heading in the same article, emit the name of the article:

[[#Link to a article heading]]

A wikilink for an article should appear only once in an article. It is allowed however to have multiple wikilinks to the same article if the wikilinks link to different headings. This makes the article more readable and makes for a simple rule to follow. It is also easier to write, especially in technical articles where there can be a lot of mentions of other articles.

A wikilink should be placed at the first mention of the concept it will link to.


Wikilinks are not part of the official Markdown specification. They are also not well-supported either. However, they are more pleasant to read, write and maintain than regular Markdown links. There are tools available that convert wikilinks into regular Markdown links.

See also